Ethical Guidelines And Publishing Policy

Ethical Guidelines

Ahi Evran Journal of Engineering Science (AHIJES) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and review papers in the field of engineering. AHIJES strictly adheres to ethical standards throughout the publication process. If a manuscript requires ethical approval, it must be obtained and stated in the manuscript. Ethical approval should be provided in accordance with the content of the study and the data collection methods used.

The writing and evaluation process follow the ethical guidelines and the international standards based on COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). AHIJES shows a zero-tolerance policy towards ethical violations. Plagiarism, data manipulation, conflicts of interest, and unethical behaviors are unacceptable in the studies published in the journal.

All manuscripts submitted to the journal are checked for plagiarism using softwares such as iThenticate or Turnitin. Manuscripts with a similarity rate exceeding 25% will be rejected or corrections are requested. Authors are required to correctly cite others’ studies. Additionally, authors are responsible for preventing any manipulation or distortion of data.

Authors' Ethical Responsibilities

  1. Originality and Ethical Approval: Authors must declare that their manuscripts are original and have not been previously published in any journal. Ethical approval should be obtained for studies involving human and animal subjects, and this approval must be stated in the manuscript. Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and ethical compliance of all data used in experimental research.

  2. Copyrights and Permissions: Authors must obtain all necessary permissions for quotes, images, and other materials used in the manuscript, and these should be appropriately cited. Authors must also obtain permission for the use of scales, photographs, and other content owned by others and must state this in the manuscript.

  3. Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest to the editor, and it must be indicated in the manuscript. Additionally, authors contributing to all sections of the manuscript should be listed in the correct order.

  4. Data and Sources: Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the data used in the manuscript and must cite all references in compliance with the ethical guidelines. To ensure data availability, authors must submit the necessary data and research permissions to the journal.

  5. Article Withdraw and Correction: If authors discover a significant error in a published article, they must inform the journal’s editors and make the necessary corrections. Post-publication corrections and withdraw requests will be evaluated by the journal according to COPE guidelines.

Editors' Ethical Responsibilities

  1. Impartiality and Fairness: Editors must evaluate manuscripts based on their scientific content and originality, remaining impartial and avoiding any bias. Editors must act in accordance with the journal policies and ethical rules when making decisions, considering the recommendations of the reviewers.

  2. Confidentiality: Editors should share required information about manuscripts only with necessary persons and keep authors' personal information confidential.

  3. Publication Decisions: Editors are responsible for deciding whether manuscripts will be published or not. This decision should be based on the manuscript’s originality, contribution to the field, scientific validity, and relevance to the journal’s scope. A transparent approach should be adopted, and authors should receive feedback at each stage.

  4. Managing Publication Process: Editors ensure effective communication throughout the publication process and ensure that the journal’s publishing policies are correctly followed. It is the editor’s responsibility to ensure timely completion of the review process and to make clear publication decisions.

  5. Adherence to Publication Policies: Editors strive to constantly improve the quality standards of the journal and ensure that the studies to be published are of higher quality. They also play an important role in updating and disseminating journal’s policies.

Reviewers' Ethical Responsibilities

  1. Impartiality and Objectivity: Reviewers should evaluate manuscripts only within their area of expertise. Their evaluations should be objective, free from personal bias, and based on the scientific merit of the work. Referees must make their evaluations without being influenced by factors such as religion, race, ethnicity, gender, or commercial interest.

  2. Confidentiality: Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript’s content and the authors’ identities. Manuscripts must not be discussed or disclosed to anyone except as authorized by the editor.

  3. Conflict of Interest: Reviewers should withdraw from the review process if they have any conflicts of interest and inform the editor accordingly.

  4. Constructive Feedback: Reviewers should avoid personal attacks in evaluated manuscripts and provide constructive feedback to the author. Feedback should be of a nature that will improve the author's work.

  5. Reviewing within the Timeframe: Reviewers must complete their reviews within the specified time. If delays occur, they should contact the editor and, if necessary, suggest an alternative reviewer.

Publishing Policy

  1. Published Works: AHIJES publishes original research papers and reviews in the field of engineering. The papers should offer scientific innovation, originality, and contribute to the existing literature. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been published previously in any other journal or not be under review elsewhere.

  2. Publication Process: All manuscripts undergo an initial review by the editor, and then they are evaluated by at least two independent reviewers. Reviewers follow a blind peer review process, and this ensures that both authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other.

  3. Article Evaluation and Revision: Each manuscript is evaluated by at least two reviewers. At the end of the evaluation process, the manuscript will either be accepted, revised, or rejected. Authors must make the required revisions within three weeks for manuscripts that require major or minor revisions.

  4. Plagiarism Check: All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism. Manuscripts with high similarity rates are rejected or corrections are requested. Accepted manuscripts should have a similarity rate of 25% or below.

  5. Conflict of Interest and Ethical Approval: Authors must disclose all conflicts of interest and any necessary ethical approvals in their manuscripts.

  6. Open Access: AHIJES supports open access publication for scientific research and makes all published papers are freely available to the public. The journal’s content can be accessible to the global academic community and used.

Post-Publication Corrections and Withdraws

Post-publication correction requests are evaluated according to COPE guidelines. Corrections and withdraws will be handled transparently and fairly. Requests for withdraws are evaluated by the journal editor and editorial board, and it is processed together with the necessary documents.

Complaints Policy and Ethical Violations

For complaints or appeals regarding the journal, please contact the editorial office directly via the email address Complaints and appeals submitted to the journal will be evaluated by the editor and the editorial board.

Copyright © BAUM 2015